haha...CNY posting
(1 shopping center at my hometown(MUAR))haha..lot of cookies...lot rite??
tis only 30%
stil gt 70% no yet take outmy mum idea...haha...pretty leh?
me also think pretty...
she do by herself ho...really geng..alcohol??
rite...dun drink too much....
expecially whiskey....40%...
haha...pic again...few only...
haha..many of u sure duno wat my house look like...(muar)
but i din take my house photo also...
just my house planting..
have a look...i took the pic during CNY..
money tree (i think)
fa chai plant(i think)tis 1 sure noe(chili)
this i tie shu(iron tree)dun ask me y
1 type of bean(nt mr.bean)
yang jiao douo wat..duno..hokkien we call"lian dao"
today is my 3th day in my hometown.."MUAR"
haha..the wonderful land in my life..haha
but 2day...something special happen in my house..haha
u guess what thing??
haha...is a long long story...
2day wake up at 7..nithing to do...so pick my brother go to his school..
form 1 lo him..haha...drop him there then go back home..and having my breakfast v my family member..
haha...and after...climax come...
me listen music in my room and resting ...
when i 99% fall slp....
my mom call me...
reason??"catch snake"
haa...it clamp in my house...
that snake very cute...
green in colour..haha..try to catch it..
but it keep on run...mayb i scare it aly gua...
clamp here and there...make my family member all also clamp here and there..haha
lucky the snake no poison..but very cute....long long and thin..
unfortunately i din take the snake pic..
if not sure share v u all...
lucky my mom catch it at the end..
but the more important thing is...
haha....that the thing we happy for...
cause it no poison and also din bring any trouble to my family member..
so no reason we should kill it...
we leave it nearby small forest..(no consider)
just gt lot tree only..haha..
that all...
miss u D.
what the hell stupid lift....
today morning went down and take something from my aunty...
when go down i realize that lift was broken down...
no choice..have to go down and take those thing..
cause i live in 15 floors..so i take about 300+ stair to go down there...
walk from 15 to ground floor...then come up again...
total is 30 floor...and 600+ stairs...
i take alomost 15 min to go down and come up again...
i go down there...gt lot ppl waiting for the stupid lift and some ppl like me walk up and down..
and tis is the 2nd times i walk up and down in this month...
it make ppl tired...when lift broke down...the ppl who live 1 2 3floors are very hapy..
cause no ned walk so long ma...
the lift stil under maintenance..but almost done...
but now...keep on broke down...waste my time my energy...
wei...brother....wait i ned go bac hometown leh...gt lot thing to take..
ask me take those thing from 15 to L1...wan kill me meh?
today..the last day for SEM 2...........................................
haha.....we all skip class....except for the 1st class....(chamistry tuto)
taking exam slip...(3 exam slip include me cause help ppl take)
after that we went to sing k..with a group of guy( nt gay)..10 person
go to sg.wang green box sing k...we all thought that we can sing until 6 pm.
but the waiter told us that between 1 to 6 pm is time register for hapy hour but no sing from 1 to 6 pm.thats the thing we all misunderstood.
below is the picture we all in K room..but...damn small...10 ppl inside such small K room..feel like keep fill in the the elephant inside a plastic bag...sit until duno wan sit where
please notice a king kong style post...no ned curious...the 1 and only..v a black colour shirt..
good...that him...duno y he suddenly doin that post...
too many singer here...dare to sing..dare to show...good...
i on9 in green box wo..haha..cause nth to do also...so on com and check the email..haha..
and i sit near to door...just feel scare if the waiter come in without notice..my laptop mayb wil "fly" to floor and "kiss" the floor...
sry about this picture low in quality due to low quality handphone camera.
haha..with a joke....u know who is this??this fellow...duno?haha...
nvm..i sure u all duno....cause he duno u all that time also
this fellow i knew him since long time ago...
haha...i post this hope he wont beat me...
this fellow..very very fat guy in primary schol...
another 1 KG to 60Kg..haha....damn fat that time...v a fat fat face...
look like stupid...haha...now same age v me lo...
haha....long time no c him aly since form 2(the guy in the picture)
he have a funny face...but now i duno lo...
damn miss him now...
that i never miss "guy" so much b4...
haha....this is the view of midvalley that i went last sunday with my aunt.
with a lot of lantern and also people..(talking rubbish)
i brought a jeans only..cloth??no...just jeans...
haha..we reach there about 10.15am morning...
but half of the parking lot was full with car..
haha...go there shop and shop..
but me just a follower on that day..
haha....nothing much..just help carry thing..
cause maid need to take care of children..
about 2 smth back aly lo...cause there"mountin ppl mountain sea" aly...
haha..and also happy chinese new year...haha...the picture...tada...my aunt daughter...haha...cute leh?
my friend last time came my house..asked me...
wa...y this girl so cute but u....??haha
that time wish to "sepak" him..haha..but i admit lo
me not handsome lo....this picture took when i just wake up...
haha...top is the one and only one "Happy family" picture in my class..v MS.WONG
TD2...TD2 TD2 TD2..the best and the only 1...however just gt 1 girl...
haha...my beloved classmate..nobody can replace them in my heart..
nice to meet u all..a fate that we meet we know and we care..
i think nobody else can better then our class that the thing we have other dont..here is the TD2 cartoon...swt de...haha..
gambateh to all...and take care....
tagged by i-jing & jia seng
[Instructions: Strike out the ‘NO’s’ OR underline/colour/bold the ‘YES’s’ AND tag 6 people after you’re done. ]
1. Coffee / Tea
2. Noodles / Rice
3. Ocean / Lake
4. Phone / Computer
5. Smsing / Calling
6. Durians / Fried Worms
7. Coke / Sprite
8. Cold weather / Hot weather
9. Pancakes / Waffles
10. Sand / Grass
11. Vanilla / Chocolate
12. Coughing / Sneezing
13. Paper / Plastic
14. Gold / Silver
15. Watermelon / Strawberry
16. Slippers / Shoes
17. Early bird / Night owl
18. Books / Magazines
19. Tall / Short
20. Heaven Above / Paradise on Earth
I tag (I gonna tag diff ppl now)
chun hou
chee hou
chin mun
haha...we all went to count down...we finis our class at 11.30 then straight go to
sungei wang..SING K...haha...8 of us...again...
sing until 4..after that we went to pavillion star hill...
is 1st time went to pavillion and star hill..
top and below is the star hill view...
so cool....no pp..haha...geng...haha...below is the pavillion...really high class...
if wan buy smth...credit card please...1st time i ate baskin robbin...haha..nothing different...v mac..
just the ais crim just feel smooth...
haha....we 5 share a cup of baskin robbin ais crim.. after that we went to watch movie...
"bed time story"..8pm..nice...funny...
below is the pic when we wait for seat... below is the pic of count down...
haha..many ppl leh??
we at top of the monolia bridge...haha...