haha..erm..i change tis without any reason...
hope u all can view it..haha...
finis last test for tis year...
2009 coming...and getting older...
tat is life..as long as can breath..
everthing wil be nice..
and 2moro going to handup the psp assigment..
haha...and go count down...
realy feel exited...a bit only la..
haha...sing k watch movie..
haa..then duno wat goin to do next..
haha...that all lo..
a very boring day...haha...
nothing to do...erm...yea..nothing to do...
haha...2day...waste my whole day long at midvalley...
absent for my public specking and writing for science lecturer..
just to go to midvalley...reason y i go???i also duno y..
follow my friend gua...
used up more than 1 hour wait for the U85 bus...
while waiting...my friend took the picture of mine...
a lonely picture...but i duno when he took..haha...
we go there for what???buying a present(my friend)...and eat...
dun say we stupid...cause we suddenly decided to go..
without any plan...and there gt lot of ppl...
so everything also need to wait wait and wait...
then we also lazy...
my friend go there bought a christmas present for "her"
haha...no need mention la...our geng also know who is that..
haha...just curious the relationship btw them...
haha...tis is the view of midvalley christmas tree...
picture not clear due to low quality of camera...(phone)haha....then me and chee how went to pudu buy bus ticket(hometown)
haha....swt de...on the bus...me saw a quiet pretty girl...
just a bit weird...from bus station..me aly saw her...
but...thing is she look at me,me look at her..
after came up the bus...same thing happened...
when me suddenly look at her...she aly look at me...
when me get down from the bus...
no dare to face her anymore..haha
tats all for 2day...haha...take care all
haha...2day is christmas eas..very special for me..
haha..i think....cause i never been so crazy b4..haha
but 2day the situation quiet weird..not like normal...
haha..mayb all too serious aly...not like normal..
haha...2day my group member more then half are wearing santan cap..
haha....nice all...unfortunely...i din take picture with my all friend..
just with my geng..haha...
at PA also gt many ppl wearing santan cap..
not only us...my geng only 10% out of 100% who wearing cap...
haha.below is my geng...haha...we all wearing the cap...
is me again...haha...
2day went home earlier then others..
cuz feeling not well...fall sick aly...
really nice...haha...
2day gt talk show..and quite nice also...especially the home make video..the pilot 1..
realy geng..haha...i like it...
then 2day we show the pilot video in the practical class by using projector..
haha....unexpectifly...many many TE class girls watching on it..
haha...all standing outside...
the question is who show it by projector???
no ned ask la...sure is me and my friends la...
very funny...nice show...
many of my friends fall sick also...
many of them are fever....worry for them...
and i am the next target...
however all male...but stil ned to care each other de..
brother ma..haha...
jia seng, jen sheng, wei meng, our classrap
drink more water...take care of urself...
in the other hand...
chee how, choon yen wei meng and so on who goin to sick
take care as well...
hope every1 take care...drink more water...
remember remind each other drink more water..
haha..tats all for 2day..
very cold now...
haha..take care
haha..yesterday i went to pei chai primary schol..
cause having a function..
meet many important people..
me go there work as a salesmen..
haha....quite intresting...and meet few pretty girls..
but din ask for hp number...haha...
too sad...i saw many children..
and many activities over there..
few activities make me feel....(hard to explain)..
i saw the china "change face"
and dance...that ned a long time to train until so expert..
i think ned atleast 3 years or more gua..
i saw the malaysia model "Ambel Chia"
my friends and my aunt take photo v her...
but i dun wan to take...haha...
a bit pretty lo her..haha
the climax came
i also saw "Lin Yu Zhong"..
i think i spell wrongly gua..
haha...but din take photo v him..
normal aly..
haha..tats all for ytd lo...
haha...sry for waiting so long ya...
whatever la..
now finaly post something to let u all c...
i bac to hometown at 10 of dec..do din on9 tis few days..
b4 tat is public speaking talk show..
haha...and y first time in my life..
wearing something..not suit me..not my size..
i ned bigger size..haha...
we all leave tat thing at 142...
haha...nobody bother and bring it home.
cuz we all guy...haha..hope the cleaner unty bring bac home..
haha...hope so..nvm...they also duno who brought it..
walao de..aly say no photo and video..
but at the end all taking photo..
dun put in blog ahhhhh...
all my dear friend...haha..
bac homwtown nothing to do..
juz go out v friends..
c movie v my real brothers at cinema..
me also 4got wat the name of the movie aly..
ytd go out v leng lui friend..
haha...my primary schol friends..
and my handsome secondary schol friends..
all handsome and pretty..tat is true..
and found it on my friendster..
haha...i miss the PC fair...
i hope that i was in the PC fair but i cant..
cuz i at my hometown..i wish to buy 2 printer..
1 for my brother...another for me..
nvm la..if free juz go digital mall buy..i tink..