rainbow rainbow in the sky..
appear for a limit time...
bird are flying on the sky..
where u be for everytime...
rainbow create a beauty mind..
showing environment is so nice..
stupid human idiot mind....
making polution all the time...
juz like always wan "pang sai"
try to destroy earth of mine..
making something let me cry..
saying something they dun mind..

try to change before it is too late...even a small action...
such as dun throw rubbish everywhere, try to save electric..
and stil gt many..however it is a very small action..
but with a strong meaning...giv a new and fresh environment to our next generation...
u can do everything for ur child..
y not try to giv a clear and healthy environment?

tImE iS hERe....
nOtHinG fOR uS....
hUrT oCcUR...
iS eNd fOr SuRe.....


候鸟飞得太远 离开彼此视线
为何离开 紧握的手不在 是否放手就是离开
月光下的夜里 想念你的笑容
仿佛昨天 浮现我的眼前
想念相见日子 甜蜜笑容 期待出现

不舍的泪滑过心间 微笑望着离去背影
离别的心在空中飞翔 带走我的天空
穿梭于陌生的街上 想牵着你温柔的手
心中的伤口还在淌血 泪滴紧紧飘下

在我梦中的你 是否再次相遇
我看着你 在阳光下灿烂紧握双手不会离开

海风吹过你我的脸孔 期待你的出现

life is the secret way to be...

just a step...

or a dream...

secret world never end...

painful...happy...where were you been?

never end...never forget...

you and me...

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